Sole Retreat Reflexology 31 years experience
More than 5,000 years of accumulated knowledge



UK hospitals now value and include reflexology to help with some of the side effects of conventional cancer treatments. These treatments often leave patient’s health compromised and traumatised, so specialised reflexology sessions are helpful and recommended. A recent research study adding in reflexology to traditional care for inpatients with cancer showed that pain was significantly reduced in the reflexology group. The experience of nausea was also reduced. For more detail click here.



Through relaxation reflexology helps with symptoms, improves quality of life, reduces stress and anxiety, calms emotions and increases a sense of well being which all play an important part with coping mechanisms.

There is now a growing body of good research evidence showing the efficacy of reflexology and how it can compliment conventional cancer therapies such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. These studies have shown reflexology to:-



    *1. increase pain threshold and pain tolerance
    *2. have a clinically worthwhile effect on quality of life
    *3. significantly decrease anxiety
    *4. require less analgesia
    *5. show the potential for the reduction in the restive index of organs thereby helping increase blood flow transporting drugs


My eleven years volunteering with Somerset Cancer Care and St. Margaret's Hospice has been a special and valuable time. Many people living with cancer have said they gain a lot of benefit from reflexology. Whilst finding some relief from discomfort, it also helps them relax and forget about everything for a time. It is good for us to know that reflexology can help in a safe and painless way. Clients often say they have a sense of taking back some control, whilst feeling more motivated, optimistic and hopeful.

(Rosa Compassion from garden at Sole Retreat - photo by John Wyatt)

I am also an Advanced Member of Think Tree Hub which is part of Cancer Care Map/Cancer Care Map and an international professional association for complementary therapy healthcare, wellness and wellbeing.

If you would like to read how reflexology has helped other people click here.
For the Cancer Research UK website
For a link to the Reflexology Research Project.
A Reflexology Trial With Patients With Advanced-Stage Breast Cancer
To read about a study describing how breast cancer patients benefit from reflexology.
To read an article by Cancer Research UK looking at managing lymphoedema with reflexology after breast cancer treatment.
To read an article from The Daily Telegraph showing reflexology as effective pain relief
To read an article from Cardiff University about Advanced Stage Breast Cancer Click here

Reflexology does not offer a cure for cancer or a replacement for treatment advised by hospital consultant. You should always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and should never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical advice.

*1. C Samuel et al (2013) efficacy of reflexology for pain threshold and tolerance
*2. D Sharp et al (2010) psychological effects of reflexology in early breast cancer
*3. N Weinrich et al (2000) effects of reflexology on anxiety and pain in patients with breast and lung cancer
*4. S-L Tsay (2008) effects of reflexology on acute postoperative pain and anxiety among patients with digestive cancer
*5. G Bodner (1999) changes of renal flow during reflexology measured by colour Doppler sonography

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