Sole Retreat Reflexology 31 years experience
More than 5,000 years of accumulated knowledge






Reflexology can play an important part in supporting both natural and assisted conceptions. Fertility Reflexology is extremely gentle and focused, involving a series of treatments often weekly for a month or two. It is a well known fact that stress and worry can start to disrupt hormonal functions within the body. For some, that stress can be caused by long working hours, or a hectic lifestyle. But, for others, the stress can be caused by the all consuming worry of things not quite going to plan.

Reflexology can have a key role in supporting IVF treatments and couples through their fertility journey both on a physical and emotional level.

Maternity Reflexology supports mothers through hormonal and physical changes of pregnancy whilst helping give relief from anxiety and fatigue by increased relaxation, release of tension, improved sleep, improved mood and increased well being.

This is also an excellent way to prepare for labour, particularly if due date has passed with recent studies strongly suggesting that reflexology reduces pain and labour times. These studies have shown that:-
* regular reflexology thoughout pregnancy significantly reduced both the time in the first stage of labour and pain levels throughout;
** reduced the anxiety levels of women in labour Click;
*** improved the quality of sleep following childbirth;
**** In post caesarean women, when compared to no intervention, reflexology enabled higher breast feeding scores Click
***** Increase in Breast Milk Volume of Preterm Infants' Mothers

“Can you believe ... Saturday early hours I went into labour after your amazing treatment Friday. It was amazing how it happened so quickly so can’t thank you enough” Claire



To read an article from The Daily Mail regarding infertility click here
For a link to the The Reflexology Research Project.

* Valliani M et al (2010) Reviewing the effect of reflexology on pain and outcomes of the labour of primiparous women. Iranian Journal of Midwifery and Research 15 (Dec) p302-310

** Read research on The Effect of Foot Reflexology on the Anxiety Levels of Women in Labour

*** Li C Y et al (2011) Randomised controlled trial of the effects of foot reflexology to improve the quality of sleep amongst post partum women. Midwifery 27 p181-186

**** Read research on The Effect of Reflexology on Lactation in Women Who Had Cesarean Section: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study

***** Click A study of women with preterm babies comparing reflexology to breastfeeding training showed a significant increase in milk volume in the reflexology group.

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